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International Design Expeditions (IDE) is a movement: its mission is to develop a new and innovative collaboration between designers and makers based on the history and knowledge of local territories and know-how, and to promote the results of this internationally, in a direct and widely-shared way. 


IDE achieves this through its weeks-long ‘expeditions’, as well as events and publications, all aimed at the transmission and sharing of knowledge with a practical and commercial outcome in sight.


For designers, collaborating in situ allows for an immersion in the unspoken and undocumented, an intimate connection with local culture and makers that creates a new kind of object deeply rooted in the magic of that land.

Intended for sale, they carry with them their local culture and are proposed to the international market. Indeed, for a local community and businesses, design can boost sales, increase profits, encourage innovation and develop employment.

Conceived and directed by an internationally renowned team from the world of design and art, IDE has the support and advice of a vast network of experts in design, architecture, contemporary art, cuisine, entrepreneurship, education and law. 

IDE is a Begium-based non-profit organisation strongly committed to environmental and societal issues. It places the human factor at the heart of local resources by stimulating the creativity of young designers to be a force for good in the world.

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